September 2024

Wednesday 18th September 2024

Today was a rest day. Although not suffering from altitude sickness it is still taxing operating at these altitudes, so slow and steady is the way.  Early this morning we walked to the hot springs which are evidence of volcanic activity beneath the ground. It rises at around 80 degrees and each pool was slightly …

Wednesday 18th September 2024 Read More »

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Today we travelled to the Colca Canyon. An early departure was essential because of extensive road repairs and closures along the route. However, our driver had a cunning plan which was to head out onto the Altiplano on unmade roads, barely wide enough for two vehicles and large dust trails left in the air. The …

Tuesday 17th September 2024 Read More »

Monday 16th September 2024

Today was our opportunity to explore Lake Titicaca. It is the world’s highest navigable waterway. Lakeside inhabitants have used reed and wooden sailing boats, later steam powered ships and petrol engine craft to fish and trade for centuries.  Adjacent to the hotel were two Glasgow-built steamships for passengers and freight from the late 19th century …

Monday 16th September 2024 Read More »

Sunday 15th September 2024

We departed Cusco by the 07:50 train to Puno. This PeruRail service operates three times a week and is a tribute to the days of Pullman luxury travel.  The route follows the valley of the ‘Sacred River’ and because of the inclines and single narrow gauge track is a 10 hour journey. The landscape is …

Sunday 15th September 2024 Read More »

Saturday 14th September 2024

Cusco was the headquarters of the Inca Empire from the 13th -16th century. The Plaza de Armas was the heart of the city and continues today. Arcaded colonial buildings surround the Plaza and the streets leading from it.  When we arrived last night it was full of people enjoying the start of the weekend.  Two …

Saturday 14th September 2024 Read More »

Friday 13th September 2024

A morning at leisure in Aguas Calientes was what we needed after 16 hours on our feet yesterday and altitudes around 2800m. There are so many coaches used to transport visitors to the Citadel that whilst at leisure we started bus spotting. They use 28 buses and in one we saw 20 of them. The …

Friday 13th September 2024 Read More »

Thursday 12th September 2024

It was a 5:00 a.m. start this morning to catch the first train from Ollamtaytambo, an Inca-Rail service to Machu Picchu. Boarding was very different from anything we have experienced. We were led traditionally dressed musicians and dancers from the Booking Hall down the street to the railway station and the awaiting train.  The journey …

Thursday 12th September 2024 Read More »

Wednesday 11th September 2024

We are in the Sacred Valley, a 42km long fertile area formed by the Vilcanota and Urubamba Rivers flowing from the watershed above Lake Titicaca to the Amazon. Along the valley we saw crops of maize, alfalfa and potatoes all grown here because of the alluvium but in Inca times they were known as ‘a …

Wednesday 11th September 2024 Read More »

Tuesday 10th September 2024

Today was a getting there day – a flight to Cusco. The collection by our taxi from the hotel was easy until quickly everything stopped. There was a road closure without warning, then some 30 minutes later on the coastal highway we quickly arrived to the edge of the airport. Here nothing moved. Eventually someone …

Tuesday 10th September 2024 Read More »

Monday 9th September 2024

We spent the morning touring the Centro Historico where the remains of colonial era buildings, churches and Art Deco buildings are at every corner. The churches are packed with ornate guilded altars with amazing carvings in mahogany covered with gold leaf and other timbers which have the appearance of rock. Nearby is the Museo Larco …

Monday 9th September 2024 Read More »

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