Another fog-bound morning, because we are heading south and in the Humber Estuary. We were arriving in Corner Brook. Found by James Cook in 1767, this settlement is now one of the largest in Atlantic Canada and Newfoundland.

In 1943 Churchill and Lord Mountbattan and Geoffrey Pyke, a scientist, had a plan to build massive iceberg aircraft structures, under the codename Habbakuk. Prototypes were made and tested near Jasper. Essentially the project was to make ‘aircraft carrier-like’ structures strengthened with a mixture of water and wood pulp. ‘which was known as ‘Pykecrete. The vision was for a small fleet to be built at Corner Brook, using a workforce of 30,000 or more. It never happened, because of Allied dominance in the Atlantic and later in Europe. It is however, strange to think that the pulp factory and the jetties opposite our ship, may have been the reason for this location being chosen as part of the story.